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16,500 JPY

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●1BOX : 5BLOCKS ●SIZE : ABOUT 40mm〜90mm SQUARE ●PACKAGE SIZE : W240mm×H175mm×D80mm ●WEIGHT : ABOUT 500g-700g (1BOX) ●MATERIAL : JAPANESE CEDAR & CYPRESS ●UNPAINTED ●MADE IN JAPAN_NARA 【tumi-isi】 These objects provide an interactive and visual way to nourish your sense of balance and creativity. They are made from the woods of Yoshino Cedar and Yoshino Cypress and each block hand bevelled into geometrical asymmetry shapes by local artisans in Nara, Japan. Each block is made with the finest 100-year wood and coated with natural paints. Please try your hand at building your own tumi-isi tower or bridge and discover your own balance. Tumi-isi is for everyone, grownups might get more hooked. JAPANESE CEDAR & CYPRESS Locally grown in the Yoshino region of Nara Prefecture where high quality of cedar and ctpress are famous for. Combining a beautiful grain, fine touch, light weight, and soft features, these are materials that have supported the quality lifestyle of Japanese people since long ago. From the procurement of the wood to the processing, coating, assembly, and inspection, this is “All made in Japan”, with every step carried out within Nara Prefecture. From Hand to Hand tumi-isi have a color that is hand painted using natural paint. You don’t have to worry about small children playing with them. Also, every block is individually processed and cut differently, made by craftsmen who spare no effort. We cherish this form and color born from hands, and from the hands that make to the hands that play, we want to be genuine with all “hands”. Balance Sculpture The light that is made from the many sides is like a sculpture. The simple shape and color have an outstanding compatibility with modern interiors. Please discover your own beautiful balance and decorate your own space. (A trick for looking beautiful is the “feeling of tension” !)Package renewed on October 1st ●1BOX : 5BLOCKS ●SIZE : ABOUT 40mm〜90mm SQUARE ●PACKAGE SIZE : W240mm×H175mm×D80mm ●WEIGHT : ABOUT 500g-700g (1BOX) ●MATERIAL : WALNUT ●NATURAL PAINT ●MADE IN JAPAN_NARA tumi-isi These are objects meant to nourish your sense of balance and creativity. You balance and stack these randomly cut wooden blocks. Please try different ways of stacking them, like starting with a small block or stacking to create a bridge. They are objects that can be enjoyed by anyone. Adults might be the ones who get hooked. HARD WOOD Locally made from natural solid walnut, cherry, and beech hardwood. The light that is made from the many sides of tumi-isi looks like a sculpture. The simple shape and color have an outstanding compatibility with modern interiors. Please discover your own beautiful balance and decorate your own space. From Hand to Hand tumi-isi have a color that is hand painted using natural paint. You don’t have to worry about small children playing with them. Also, every block is individually processed and cut differently, made by craftsmen who spare no effort. We cherish this form and color born from hands, and from the hands that make to the hands that play, we want to be genuine with all “hands”. Balance Sculpture The light that is made from the many sides is like a sculpture. The simple shape and color have an outstanding compatibility with modern interiors. Please discover your own beautiful balance and decorate your own space. (A trick for looking beautiful is the “feeling of tension” !) ※2020年10月1日よりパッケージの仕様が変わりました。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ※「tumi-isi/ツミイシ」及び「tumi-ishi/ツミイシ」は2008年に A4/エーヨンが発表したプロダクトです。 世界中で類似品が出ておりますのでご注意ください。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- バランスと創造的感覚を養うための多面体の木製のブロック。積み上げたり、並べたり、飾ったり、使い手の想像を刺激するオブジェクトです。職人の手によって、ひとつひとつ異なるサイズ・形状に面取りし、一つのオブジェクトとしても整うように製作しています。素材の調達から検品に至るまで奈良県の吉野地方で行っています。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1箱:5ブロック入り ---------------------------------------------------------------- サイズ:ブロック / 約40mm角〜90mm角の無垢材     パッケージ / W240mm×H175mm×D80mm     重量 / 600g〜700g 素材:広葉樹 ウォルナット 生産国:日本(奈良) 塗料:ヨーロッパ玩具安全基準「EN71-3」塗料。詳しくは下記 ※3) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ※1)天然無垢材、手加工のため一点一点木目や重さ、形状が異なります。特に形状はランダムでカットしていますので個体差がございます。 ※2)より長く、より愛着をもってお使いいただけますように、全ての「tumi-isi」はメンテナンスが可能です。有料ではございますが、購入いただいた後も、削り直し→再塗装することが可能です。別途コンタクトからお気軽にご相談ください。 ※3)tumi-isi塗料はヨーロッパ玩具安全基準「EN71-3」をクリアした塗料を採用。 お子様にも安心してお使いいただけます。 ・皮膜/ドイツ製の自然環境に配慮した食器にも使えるオイル塗料 定期的に保湿すると長くお使いいただけます。 (絞った雑巾で汚れを落とし、米油やオリーブオイルを塗り拭き取る) 不安な方はお気軽にお問い合わせください。レクチャーいたします!

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